Lesley Wingfield | Artists’ Studios | Athlone Arts and Tourism

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Abbey Road Artists' Studios

Lesley Wingfield

Lesley Wingfield was born in London but has been an Irish resident since 1974. Lesley received her BA Degree in Fine Art from GMIT in 2007, and her art practice is based in Co. Westmeath.

Her work has featured in numerous exhibitions around Ireland and France including a solo exhibition in Galway Town Hall Theatre.  Lesley has been awarded numerous bursaries, residencies and project funding from Westmeath County Council and also has work included in HSE Tullamore Hospital Permanent Collection.

Lesley's summers are spent in idyllic Brittany, France and it was here that she first used her underwater photographic images as a source for what developed into her series of underwater paintings. Inspired by the light through the water reflecting on skin tones, and movement she was able to study natural poses capturing her family and friends diving and swimming underwater, with the water distorting the face and figure.

A review by Aiden Dunne in the Irish Times article titled “New Wave of Irish Art”, described Lesley's work as "highly accomplished".
Lesley forms part of a collaborative art group 'Exquisite CoLab' and they recently received a Per Cent for Art Scheme entitled 'EveryonE'